Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here. We at Calvary Chapel Artesia are a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed to His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We invite you to join us Sunday morning or any of our various weekly bible studies.

Sunday Morning Messages and Wednesday Bible Studies are livestreamed and cataloged on our YouTube channel. Please visit the messages menu.

18177 Pioneer Blvd Artesia, CA 90701

Service Time
Sunday 10:00am
Wednesday 7:30pm

Calvary Chapel Artesia

Plan Your Visit

  • Worship Service at 10am

    Currently in the book of 2 Corinthians

  • Bible Study at 7pm

    Minor Prophets Series: Micah starts March 2

  • Bible Study at 7pm

    Currently in the book of Jeremiah

  • Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays nights at 7pm

    Currently in Philippians

  • Bible Study at 7:30pm

    Currently in 2 Kings

  • Study on break